Online Course

Due to the pandemic, the FCBA was unable to present its annual face-to-face Beekeeping Class for Beginners in 2021. Instead, Dave Maloney prepared an online version of the course which was presented as a webinar via Zoom over three sessions in January 2021. You are now welcome to take advantage of this self-paced course. Click here for a PDF version of the course outline.

The class outline consists of reading assignments from the course book Beekeeping for Dummies (5th edition 2020) Howland Blackiston. It is interspersed with several well-recognized online videos focusing on certain of the topics covered in the course book. You can purchase the Kindle e-Version of Beekeeping for Dummies 5th Edition on Amazon. A print version is available there as well.

There is no cost for this course. Share it with others if you would like.

Read the assigned section of Beekeeping for Dummies sequentially and watch the many suggested embedded videos in order to get an good start in your quest for beekeeping know-how. It is never too early to start learning about honey bees.

  1. By the way, why not join the FCBA for $10/year? Lifetime membership is $100. More about membership.
  2. Also, consider subscribing to one or both of these fine monthly beekeeping magazines: